Portable Model is our music magazine

Issue 1 features an overarching theme of tangibility. Inside you’ll find 112 pages of photos, essays, reported features, crossword puzzles (okay, just one crossword), illustrations and more!

Printed in black and white, but in a cool way. Published twice a year.

Featured writers include:

Mia Hughes, Eli Enis, Hugo Reyes, Jay Papandreas, Evan Minsker, Arielle Gordon, Ethan Beck, Krista Brown, Jami Nakamura Lin, Miranda Reinert, Mike LeSuer, Eric Bennett, Grace Robins-Somerville Sam Goblin, Zainab Athumani, Niccolo Porcello, Rob Moura, Brendan Menapace, Andreas Loretan of Possessed Fanzine, Jordy Walsh, Madeline Carpou, and Ben Loftus.

With photos from James Palko, Morgan Kelley, and more.