We are looking to publish fiction that is experimental and exciting, regardless of genre. Our nonfiction interests are focused on personally informed culture writing, but we’re open to anything good. 

We are currently only accepting submissions for zines and chapbooks, but we welcome submissions year round so long as they adhere to the following guidelines:


  • Submit to twoflatpress@gmail.com

  • PDF submissions are preferred

  • Include a short summary and author bio in the body of the email

  • Format subject line as “Type of Submission - Title - Author Name”


  • Up to 40 pages (about 10,000 words)

  • Include genre in the summary


  • 20-24 pages of content (half letter or A5)

  • Intended for writing that has an accompanying visual aspect or art that has an accompanying written aspect.

  • Please describe both the written and visual aspects in your pitch.

Please feel free to reach out to us at twoflatpress@gmail.com for more information!